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Teen Aggression & Bullying Workbook


Teen Aggression & Bullying Workbook

By John J Liptak, EdD & Ester Leutenberg. Facilitator Reproducible Self-Assessments, Exercises & Educational Handouts. Teen aggression and bullying is a problem that continues to grow, often disrupting our school, families, workplaces and communities. The causes of teen aggression and bullying vary from person to person and may include such factors as a teen having been exposed to physical or sexual abuse growing up; violent behavior witnessed in the home or neighborhood; violence in the media; socio-economic issues such as family poverty, need deprivation, unstable family environment, lack of family support and appropriate role models, and exposure to weapons. Teen aggression can take many forms including:

• Bullying
• Fighting
• Gang Violence
• Rape and molestation
• Arson
• Destruction of property
• Cruelty to animals
• Homicide
• Indirect aggression such as gossiping or spreading cruel rumors
• Shooting and Stabbing
• Internet-based bullying

The Teen Aggression & Bullying Workbook is designed to help teens engage in self-reflection, examine their thoughts and feelings that lead to feelings of aggression, and learn effective tools and techniques for effectively managing these feelings. This book combines two powerful psychological tools for the management of aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors: self-assessment and journaling.

The Teen Aggression & Bullying Workbook contains six separate sections that will help the participants learn more about themselves as well as how aggression impacts their lives:

Violence Motivation Section
Helps individuals explore reasons they may act aggressively or violently toward other people.
Environmental Aggression Section
Helps individuals identify the extent of their exposure to environmental violence and help them develop strategies to become more resilient.
Are You Being Bullied? Section
Helps individuals assess whether or not they are being bullied, and if so, to what extent.
Are You a Bully? Section
Helps individuals identify whether they are aggressive and/or bully others, and to what extent.
Bystander Behavior Section
Helps individuals explore how they react and respond in bullying situations.
Depression and Suicide Section
Helps individuals identify teens who may be at risk for depression and/or suicide.

The Depression and Suicide eight-page section of this book is crucial for today’s young people. No scales are included. A detailed questionnaire, idea-prompting lists, and relevant journal questions are designed to lead to productive in-depth discussions of how problems arise and how they can be solved.

This workbook is also part of the Teen Workbooks Set. To learn more about the set see product 1965A.